irinastan_2000 wrote in
Mar 06, 2006 21:15
Compared to other foreign languages it seems to me that Greek hasn't got too many fans around here. So prove me wrong and tell me if any of you like Greek (ancient or modern and why). I do speak some Greek but would like to improve it. I think it is one of the most beautiful languages who can be traced in incredibly many other different languages
ancient greek
pagandelight wrote in
Nov 15, 2005 19:28
Hello everyone,
I'm new to this community and it was recomended to me by a friend to help me with a translation I need. I have a translation for this, I just want to make sure it is correct, so any help would be really appreciated.
The phrase is: "I am the key and the Gate" and I need it translated into ancient greek.
Thanks for any help.
ancient greek,
translation request
champagnesheik wrote in
Jun 27, 2005 13:47
I recently read in the calendar section of the Los Angeles Times about a newly discovered poem by Sappho. 12 lines long, it was found wrapped around an Egyptian mummy. The article says it was published with an English translation in the London Times Literary Supplement.
Does anyone have a copy of the poem and translation?
ancient greek,